Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Chapter 13 - pa


  1. When reading this chapter, pay close attention to Loung's words and thoughts...

  2. I can't believe the Khmer Rouge soldiers took pa away from Loung and her family. This must be so devastating for the family they've gone through so much in so little time, this book is amazing.

  3. It seemed like all the chapters kind of lead to this point. But when it happened, it was so sad. I can't imagine losing my dad like that right after losing a sister. He took really good care of the family, and now he's gone.

  4. I completely agreed with both of you. Madison - do you think Pa is still alive? I remember reading this part of the book and still holding on to faith that he is still alive. AMAZING book, agreed. Sam - powerful comment. Losing the patriarch of the family is a struggle, especially in the situation that the Ung family is in. What do you think is going to happen next?

  5. I had feel so sad because the soldier had kill loung's father. They had found out that that the soldier was lying!

  6. I'm speechless. This chapter was very depressing. It still shocks me that the soldiers took pa away from his family. It also saddens me that Ma and Pa had to hide the fact that the soldiers were probably going to kill him from Loung and all her siblings. They had to figure out themselves that he was never going to come back. I always wonder, if I walked in one of their shoes, what would I do with what's occurring with them? They are going through so much...

  7. omqqqqqqq this chapter was so crazy.its crazy how over there the treat people like that...i would never ever b able 2 servive in cambodia if they did this to me..

  8. This was one of the saddest chapters yet. I know when Keav died was pretty upsetting, but this is completely different. Loung had a special bond with Pa. Loung was so close to Pa and I could never even fathom how she must have felt to know what was finally happening to her father. I don't think I could bear such loss.

  9. its so sad to read the truth hurts it really does even when you dont want to belive it

  10. The way this book tells it is very hard to read. the way it just simply tells of Pa's death is very horrifying yet it happen it will be hard to forget

  11. I think this was just an add to the family pain, they just lost Keav but then pa was second to go. When I think about what pa though as this is happen to him, all I can think is that he felt it was time. He already lost one of his kids and all he could do is pray that his family will make it and to see them one day.

  12. While reading this chapter I felt as if I was in Loung's position. Seeing her father walk away with the Khmer Rouge soldiers must have been horrible. When they took him away I expected them to not bring him back. This chapter was very hard to read especially since it seemed like Loung had the strongest relationship with her dad.

  13. Pa is gone. I agree with Sam. The reason the family survived up to that point was mainly because of Pa. Now that Pa's gone, the family probably has to break up. Imagine if those weren't real soldiers and instead they were undercover partners of an elite force who planned to overthrow the Khmer Army and Pol pot so they pretended to be Khmer Soldiers, take Pa away, and hide in the mountains to plan attack ?? Oh my imagination :)

  14. The family in this book is passing by a hard time becuase Keav died and that pa goes and never come back? thats painfull. Btw I agree with Vanessa she seems to have the strongest relationship with her dad.
