Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapter 18 - last gathering

Describe how Loung felt when she arrived to the infirmary.


  1. Loung was feeling very sick when she entered the infirmary but she then found out her whole family was there expect for Khouy. Everyone was so excited to be together again although they were all sick. After a while of staying in the infirmary Loung and her family got kicked out never to know when they'd see eachother again.

  2. I am happy for Loung because when she went to the infirmary she was sick then she saw her family everyone was surprised to see each other then her family got kicked out the infirmary and I think she is sad because she just reunited with her family

  3. Loung felt really sick in the infirmary but then she reunited with her family. They were talking about how they are doing. After a little while the family got kick out and got split up again.

  4. Loung was sick when she went to the infirmary. Despite her sickness, Loung enjoyed the small portions of sugar she recieved. Although it wasn't much it was well missed. It made Loung even happier when her whole family came to visit her. With the exception of Khouy who really hasn't been mentioned in a while.

  5. When Loung first arrived to the infirmary she was happy. Happy because she had a break from working and then she became excited because she saw her family there. She met up with her mom and her sisters, and her brother as well. She was happy and comfortable being in the infirmary with her family and without manual labor.

  6. Loung had to much on her mind when she was at the Labor camp. When she arrived at the infirmary, she was sick because of working so much. Even though Loung was sick, she was content because she finally got a break from working. Unexpectedly during the visit to the infirmary, her family was there. They were all delighted to reunite and see each other after months of separation! Geak, Ma, Chou, Meng, and Kim were all at the infirmary. Khouy wasn't able to come, but at least most of the family reunited. This was an extremely fulfilling moment for each one of them. Those few days of freedom for all of them went extremely quickly. They all had leave the infirmary because they were kicked out. It was sad because they would never know if they could reunite all together like they did in the infirmary ever again. :(

  7. Loung had a lot to deal with it as a child . her family had to go through hell . It Make me very sad having to hear about a child like me going through all that

  8. When arriving at the infirmary she was very sick, weak, and tired. But then she was very happy to see that her mom geak and her brothers were still alive!

  9. When Loung arrived in the infirmary she felt very week and tired yet she was happy she finally saw her family and brothers.

  10. Loung was sick when she arrived at the infirmary. But she was glad to finally get a break from working all the time.
    Then Loung reunites with her family, and she's excited after all she's been through.
    But everything soon ends when herself and her family are kicked out of the infirmary, and Loung doesn't know when she'll be able to see them again.

  11. Loung was in pain as she walk to the infirmary. She felt weaker and weaker before she got to the infirmary. She thought of ma and Geak when she stop at a pond. When she makes it the the infirmary as she looks at the people on their cots, Keav flashes in her mind. She imagines Keav in the infirmary but then try's to focus on something else. For a sec she thought she was going to die lonely and afraid like Keav. But when she saw her family again she becomes glad and happy. they all enjoy their time together before they had to go.

  12. Maya Peters DavisMay 17, 2010 at 5:58 PM

    Though she was sick it's like a spirit came into her and gave her strength when she saw her family there. She was so shocked and excited that she didn't care that she was sick anymore.

  13. She was very sick and super bad , she was like almos dying in live. but she felt better when she saw her family and pass some days with them.

  14. Loung came in the infermery feeling sick. When she noticed her family there as well she was happy. The time went by with them together and soon they were kicked out since they were healthy and the hospital needed room for others. Loung was sad then having to leave her family again but it needed to be done. They cant all be together like Pa once said. If they are , the Khmer Rouge will kill them all.

  15. When Loung first arrived she was feeling sick. After seeing her family and them being reunited she ignored the fact that she was sick. Instead she stayed happy through out the moments she had with the rest of her family.

  16. Loung forst arrived sick to the hospital. when she saw her family it was like a time medicine for her. She didn't care she was sicK, ALL she cared about was spending that good old family quality they use to have and that she missed so much.

  17. Every time Loung has to walk, it's hours. And she goes alone too. When she sees her family, it's really great. It's so unbelevable that they see each other there.
