Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chapter 15 - leaving home

Knowing about Loung's personality and what she has already gone through, do you think she is old enough to be on her own?


  1. Ma's decision on making Kim, Chou and Loung go there seperate ways I think must have been very hard on her but she was trying to do what her late husband would have wanted and this could help to keep them alive. If I were Ma I think I would have done the same even though it would have been really hard to do.

  2. i don't think she old enough because in that chapter she didn't want to leave her mom but she had to or they would have eventually found them and killed them all at once.

  3. Kajelle said...
    I think it was very hard for Ma to force her children to leave. But I thin it took great love and care to do something like that...I know Ma is really taking it hard...But she wants the best for her kids.

  4. My favorite part was when Loung beat up the bully. I think it made her feel really good and powerful. She hasn't been feeling that lately, so this was really good for her.

  5. To be on your own at such a young age, is alot of responsibility, but if anyone can do it its luong. if you think of the most anyone in that family has been through, its luong and it happened right at the age of her starting to realize her place in the life. This is very tough for her and her family, but i think she would be able to take care of it.

  6. I feel bad for Loung, since she has to leave the only people she really knows. She isn't really old enough to be on her own. She just lost her father and her eldest sister too. She has so much to go through and no one to console about it. This could cause serious depression.

  7. I think that she is not ready yet beacause she swa how much her family suffer so if she gores back it might happen to her.

  8. Lounng is DEFINATLEY a strong human being but she is not old enough to be on her own. she is still young to do what we as teenagers can do

  9. It's really sad to think that you have to separate your children from each other and yourself. It seemed like it was the only thing ma could do, so they could survive. In my opinion, I believe that Loung is very young to handle what she's going through, alone. She is indeed, a very clever child. Dealing with the Khmer Rouge alone, is dangerous. She also has dealt with so much, it's going to be another dilemma she's going through. I'm pretty sure she will get through, by showing her inner strength and motivation.

  10. Loung has so far gone through so much stress and losing many close ones, dealing with starvation. I don't really think she is just ready to take care of herself due to the war and strangers.

  11. No I don't think she was old enough but with some people it doesn't matter what their age is. What matter is if their mature. I think some one can be mature no matter their age, she went thought so much she knew what was happening, what could happen. So in away she was ready. Also if i was her i would go with my sister too even if i was told not to.

  12. Maya Peters DavisMay 17, 2010 at 5:29 PM

    I agree with Nelly, I think she is too young to be on her own but she is an extremely intelligent young girl and that she is also very mature. I think that it isn't always how old you are physically but mentally and emotionally as well. So in my eyes she was ready to be on her own.

  13. i don't think she is old enough to be alone by her own but she is soo smart that I think she can be alone

  14. I don't think that Loung is old enough to leave home. Even though she's a strong worker I think she needs support from her mom. It must have been extremely hard for Ma to tell her to leave.

  15. i dont think shes old enough, even thought she is a strong fighter against all of this war she needs her mom's guiedence and support. i agree with vanessa it must of been one of the hardest choice she probebly ever had done in her life
