Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chapter 16 - child soldier

If you were Loung, how would you react to your first interaction with Met Bong?


  1. If I were Loung my first reaction of Met Bong would be fear, because she is such a powerful women and the role she plays in the children's labor camp.

  2. My first reaction would definitely be kind of afraid. I would be intimidated by her because she seems very powerful and sort of mean.

  3. I would have many questions to ask Met Bong.. but I would definantely fear her in some sort of way.
    I agree with Kayla about how she seems very powerful and mean.

  4. If I were Loung, the first reaction to me meeting Met Bong would be petrifying. I would be petrified because she seems like a forceful/dominant person. She is the "boss" at the labor camp, so she would take control and treat you however she wanted to.

  5. i would be very scared and i would stay quiet. I would be worried that she would do something to me that i don't like. If i wanted to ask her a question i would ask in a very nice way and i would never be mean to her.

  6. i really dont know but i would have to say hate i would look down on her cause she thinks a guy that killed and made people suffer for working hard was good

  7. Bet Bong is a powerful and scary woman. Here would be my plan if I was in Loung's position:
    I would get on Met Bong's good side. I would be like her right hand man and I would do everything right so she would like me. This is total manipulation but when you are trying to survive, anything goes! Once she likes and trusts me, then I would be safe. I would also tell her how wonderful she is. People like this have big egos and love to hear how great they are. This way I would be on her side and she would look after me and trust me instead of looking at me suspiciously. this might add on a few years to my life!

  8. I would not be scared at all. Because I got myself into this and I have to deal with it, even if I had to deal with pain and suffering I still pursue that am working for "The Great" Met Bong.

  9. I would terrified if I was Loung.
    But I would also try to stay quiet, and not ask any questions. Met Bong has great power, and if I was Loung, my life would be in her hands.

  10. i would be sooooooo scared, but i wouldn't show it. I actually like the character Loung plays because shes the tough pain in the butt. Seeing her for the first time would be like, 'OH MY GOD. This beast !'. But I have no control so I would have to deal with it and move on.

  11. Maya Peters DavisMay 17, 2010 at 5:34 PM

    I would be scared out my mind but like Cristina I wouldn't let it show. Being weak in these situations put you at the bottom of the Khmer Rouge social ladder and that's not a great place to be.

  12. Of course, I would be afraid to meet Met Bong. But I will have to play it off. I feel I have to act tough and heartless to win her approval and not get into trouble with her. In order to not be considered weak and useless, I would suck up to her an become her favorite.

  13. If the case is that I were loung I'll be very afraid She seems kind of powerful and with scary personality but hello? why show out i'm scare i agree with cristina ^^

  14. I would definitely be scared of Met Bong. I would plan to get on her good side since she is very powerful and strong.

  15. my reaction towards meeting met Bong would be scared and i would really try not to laugh at her last name.I think i would always keep her on my side and do what ever he wants so i would be the favorite and i would be on her good side

  16. At the new camp all the kids are older than Loung. It's really gross wen the leeches get on Loung's legs.
